The Friday Focus is a weekly newsletter where we highlight:
A piece of content we love so you don’t have to doomscroll to find something interesting
A tip to help you reduce your screen time
A quote that has us thinking
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Podcast We Love 🎤
“Huberman x Tim Ferriss: How to Learn Better and Create Your Best Future” - Huberman Lab Podcast
I mean come on, can you name a better duo than Tim Ferriss and Andrew Huberman?
If you’ve been reading these emails for a while now then you know I love Tim and Huberman. Tim is the host of The Tim Ferriss Show podcast and Huberman is the host of Huberman Lab Podcast.
These two guys have had such a positive impact on my life over the past year and a half I can’t overstate it enough. Whether it be health optimization, career planning, or life perspective, the conversations these two have on their respective podcasts is life changing.
So when I saw they were doing a podcast TOGETHER I couldn’t hit play fast enough.
If you don’t know anything about Huberman or Tim, that’s okay - this podcast is a great introduction.
If you enjoy interesting conversations about health, learning, entrepreneurship, or just trying to figure out what the f— you want to do in life, then you’ll love this conversation between two brilliant minds.
Tip to Reduce Your Screen Time 📱
Do something f—ing fun instead!
Sometimes I still fall back into doomscrolling.
I know - guy who started a company to get people off their phones still can’t get off his own. Ironic.
I’m usually pretty good with my phone, but especially since we started trying to educate people on TikTok and Instagram (follow me if you still use those platforms! could be good reminders to stop scrolling 😊), it can still be easy to fall into a doomscroll.
But, I’ve noticed that this only happens when I have nothing else to do.
Whenever I’m doing something fun - like at a party, or out to dinner, or playing a game - I’m never doomscrolling. It’s only when I’m sitting at home alone with absolutely nothing to do.
Which is why one of the best things you can do to get off your phone is to actually do something you enjoy instead!
If you don’t have anything to do besides scroll, even with the best tips/tricks in the world you’re way more likely to fall back into scrolling.
So do something f—ing fun. Hangout with friends. Play a game. Go on a date. Play the f—ing flute, idk, just find SOMETHING. If you jam pack your weekend with activities I guarantee your screen time will be down like 50%.
Quote That Has Us Thinking 🧠
“Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” - Mark Twain